The Project Fem’trepreneur will be developed through the Anna Lindh Foundatin Virtual Marathon for Dialogue and it aims to contribute with the empowerment of women to become agents of change via social entrepreneurship and innovation. The themes adressed in this Project are: Women and Gender Stereotypes, Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship.
The meaningful participation of women in national, local, and community has become an important focus on EuroMed region development policy. Women’s participation results in tangible gains for the society, including greater responsiveness to citizen needs, increased cooperation across ethnic lines, and a more sustainable future. The topic of women involvement in the social entrepreneurship is strongly addressing the cultural cooperation, in particular as our project is implemented by a consortium of partners from 3 countries with very different approach on the subject.
The role of women in social enterprises as founder, leader and decision makers is very low: how can be supported and which direction can be taken? This is one of the main questions we aim to answer with our project.
The action proposed by the Cross-National consortium coordinated by AIFED has been titled as Fem’Entrepreneur: Social Entrepreneurship to empower Young Women, as a clear way to identify the core of our proposal.
The main activities of the project are:
- A lecture carried out by AIFED, that explores social entrepreneurship focused on women empowerment and further resources.
- A debate implemented by the Turkish partner about Gender stereotypes. We will select hot topics related to gender stereotype and propose a debate linking social entrepreneurship and women.
- A debate implemented by the Swedish partner about the programs destined to young entrepreneur woman.
- A roundtable moderated by AIFED with the participation of all the partners to share good practices, opportunities and ways to foster the social entrepreneurial spirit in each participant country and in EuroMed region.
Throughout the implementation we aim:
- To increase the awareness among the participants about the programs currently destined for boosting entrepreneurial competences.
- To contribute to the fight against of gender stereotypes and women involvement in making a positive change in the society.
- To increase positive feelings and empower youngsters and women by showcasing examples of female entrepreneurs who had a positive impact on the society during the COVID19 crisis.
- To increase the collaboration among countries that are part of Anna Lind Foundation Network on the issues of social innovation and entrepreneurship focused on growing women as empowered leaders.
- To share good practices that are being implemented in the countries that form this consortium and to follow-up with possible recommendation for triggering policies changes.
- Create a space where youngsters and women interested in becoming social entrepreneurs can meet and put the basis of further transnational cooperation.
Find here the link to our Facebook page, for getting to know more news and the activity days and links to join:
AIFED has completed the Frem’trepreneur project within the framework of the “Virtual Marathon for dialogue in Euromed” project organised by the Anna Lindh Foundation.

AIFED has coordinated the project “Fem’trepreneur” in collaboration with System and Generation (Turkey) and Center of Capacity Building and Empowerment (Sweden). It is within the framework of the Anna Lindh Foundation’s Virtual Marathon.
The project, now completed, was presented under the proposal of contributing to the empowerment of women to become agents of change through social entrepreneurship and innovation. How can the role of women as leaders be supported and what direction can be taken? The project has followed this line of work.
During the four weeks of the project, four online sessions have taken place. There was an information workshop, a couple of debates and a round table discussion, and we had the opportunity to have the participation of the following countries: Italy, Portugal, Romania, Albania, Turkey, Morocco, Sweden, India and Macedonia. The topics discussed in the debates (gender stereotypes and programmes for young women entrepreneurs) have been approached from a perspective of intercultural dialogue and hope, and at the same time solutions and proposals have been given. The round table was a tribute to all these enterprising women. People who were invited were founders of companies, presidents of social enterprises and coordinators of educational projects that aim to train men and women equally in the field of entrepreneurship.
Thanks to the collaboration of all, we have been able to create a common space for dialogue, as well as to share the good practices that are being implemented in the countries that make up this consortium and to promote the participation and empowerment of women in society.
Closing of the Fem’trepreneur Project – Session 4. Round Table. Social entrepreneurship for a better world.

All projects come to an end, and today Fem’trepreneur has done it, a project that has lasted 4 weeks, in which they have been talking about entrepreneurship and social innovation, the role of women and stereotypes that we have learned to cope. How could it be otherwise, this last session has been a great tribute to all those entrepreneurial women that we have had the opportunity to meet. For this, we decided to invite both company founders, presidents of social companies, and even coordinators of educational projects who seek training equally for men and women, in the field of entrepreneurship.
Thanks to our special guests today, who have found a space in their agendas to share their experiences with us, and inspire us with their experiences and stories of overcoming: María José Martínez (Secretary of AIFED), Daniele Delle Case (Founder of Signally) , Gürkan Akçaer (President of System and Generation), Asif Khan (President of Center of Capacity Building and Empowerment), Roberta Gilardi (Founder of G2 Accelerator), Regina García (Project Coordinator of the University of Granada), Mónica Pernas (Founder of Clínica Mónica Pernas), Ana Cristovão (Founder of Neurosov), Sara Cuéllar (Founder of Oasis Tierra), Sandra Leyva (President of the EntreJuegos Association).
We continue working on more Project! StayTuned!
Our Facebook page of Fem’trepreneur Project:
And our Instagram profile of Fem’trepreneur Project:
Fem’trepreneur Project – Session 3. Debate: It’s a matter of justice!

On June 22, the second debate of the Fem’trepreneur project was held. This time, the topic was “women-only shows are unfair to men.” Two international teams with debaters from Macedonia, India and Spain, argued for what reasons it is necessary or not, to continue offering specific aid to women, especially in the field of entrepreneurship, employment and education. As in the previous discussion, the teams followed the Oxford Union rules.
The proposition team, in favor of the motion, won the debate again, mainly due to the coordination of both team members. We want to remember, as was done in the previous session, that the debate is a very useful tool that helps us to practice in different scenarios, different justifications, with which we do not necessarily have to agree, this allows us to prepare for situations future realities, and have a better response when the time comes.
We want to congratulate both teams and all the participants for their participation and for the high-level debate they have given us. Once again we have been able to count on people from very different countries, which offers us even greater wealth to deal with these issues (Spain, France, Italy, Albania, Macedonia, Turkey, Morocco, Sweden, India, Portugal and Pakistan).
Follow us closely to find out more! And visit our Facebook page:
Fem’trepreneur Project – Session 2. Debate: Let’s talk about stereotypes!

Today, June 15, the first debate that will take place within the Fem’trepreneur project was held. Two teams made up of people from different countries (France, Morocco, Italy and Turkey), have debated in pairs, about one of the biggest gender stereotypes that exist today, “women are more emotional than men”, and against which in many countries they are still fighting, since it is sometimes used to detract from women, and justify why they should not hold positions of high responsibility in companies or governments.
With the approach of these debates, it is sought to enrich the opinion of the debaters and the attendees, to encourage them to think in a different way than they probably usually do, to defend a position that a priori is contrary to their thoughts and above all, to endow responsiveness to future similar injustices they may witness, as they have received prior training in dealing with this stereotype during this drill.
The debate tool is powerful and very useful, it helps to develop a much more critical and deep thinking, and it helps you to question the why of things. During these sessions, we will be using the Oxford Union discussion rules, which stipulate four speeches per team with the following structure:
- Moderator: Presentation of the motion.
- Proposition team debater 1: definitions and presentation of arguments (4 minutes)
- Debater 1 of the opposition team: definitions and presentation of arguments (4 minutes)
- Debater 2 proposition: arguments (4 min).
- Debatr 2 opposition: rebuttal and arguments (4 min)
- Debater 1 proposition: refutation and arguments (3 min).
- Debater 1 opposition: refutation and arguments (3 min).
- Debater 2 proposition: Conclusion (3 min).
- Debater 2 opposition: Conclusion (3 min).
- Deliberation of judges (5 min) – Observers’ comments (5 min)
- Announcement of the winning team and closing of the debate.
The proposition team finally won, in favor of the motion, due to a great performance by both team members. We want to congratulate both teams and all the participants for their participation and for the high-level debate they have given us. Once again we have been able to count on people from very different countries, which offers us even greater wealth to deal with these issues (Spain, France, Italy, Albania, Macedonia, Turkey, Morocco, Sweden).
Follow us closely to find out more! And visit our Facebook page:
Fem’trepreneur Project – Session 1. Introduction to Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

Today, June 3, the Fem’trepreneur project has launched with a first session full of curious facts, high participation and good opinions from the attendees. Today’s workshop has focused on establishing the foundations of the project, in which during the following sessions the rest of the discourse on gender equality and women’s empowerment will be built, which is intended to be achieved with the execution of this project.
The workshop has started with the definitions of innovation and social entrepreneurship, and has been developed, mixing the questions to the audience with data on different countries, what are the opportunities for entrepreneurship according to sex, and the first examples of social entrepreneurship led by women .
At the end of the session, a lively debate arose spontaneously, a moment that different participants took the opportunity to give their vision from the country where they lived, or had resided for much of their lives.
From here we want to thank both the participants and the partner organizations, because together we managed to start an international project, with participants from eight different countries! (Italy, Spain, Romania, Albania, Turkey, Morocco, Sweden and Pakistan).
Follow us closely to find out more! And visit our Facebook page: