DigiWELL Building. Digital Resilience by Making Digital Wellbeing and Security Accessible to All

Project No.: 2022-2-SK01-KA220-ADU-000096888

Adults, especially those who meet the internet and the digital world late, have difficulty keeping up with the digital transformation of our age. Technology is becoming more and more integral to everything people do, it can sometimes distract us and also it can create security risks. The technology should improve life, not distract from it. In this context, it is an inevitable necessity for a happy life that people have access to the competencies they need for Digital Wellbeing and Security.

To get more information, visit our project website.

DigiWELL project has been prepared for the acceleration of digital transformation for adult education and for digital resilience of adults in digital word. There are two main motivations for the preparation of the DigiWELL project:

  • Firstly, the project wants to empower adults to keep up with the digital transformation in the field of adult education and to facilitate their access to the opportunities of the digital world.
  • The second motivation is to ensure the well-being of adults in the digital world, to make them feel comfortable in the digital environment and to meet them with the competencies they need for their digital security.

Based on this motivation, the following objectives are aimed to be achieved:

– Equipping adults with necessary competencies for digital wellbeing and digital security

– Creating learning opportunities for adults to make digital wellbeing and digital security accessible to all

– Developing a methodology, training program, materials, and an OER platform facilitating building digital resilience.

The project will adopt intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and non-discrimination as a main philosophy within the project’s lifespan. DigiWELL project also will embrace an eco-friendly approach across various phases of the project.

The project will start on 01/01/2023 and will last 24 months, therefore it will end on 01/01/2025.

The project will be divided into 5 work packages:

  1. Work package 1 – Project Management
  2. Work package 2 – Digital Resilience Building Manual & Methodology
  3. Work package 3 – Digital Resilience Building Training Program & Training Materials
  4. Work package 4 – Digital Resilience Building OER Platform
  5. Work package 5 – Disseminating the Digital Resilience Building Approach and Outcomes of the DigiWELL project

Each work package contains a group of different activities that we are sure will allow us to achieve the above goals.

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