The overall objective of this project is to provide digital training tools for adult educators with an approach based on the methodology of gamification, that is the use of play methodologies as a teaching and educational resource. The project has six specific objectives:
- 1. Avoid the monotony of traditional approaches to teaching.
- 2. Make the learning process enjoyable, fun, participative and dynamic for adults participating in a training/educational action
- 3. Increase the digitisation of participants in the teaching-learning process, on the one hand for educators, who will have to make use of ICT, and on the other hand for learners, who will acquire digital competences and skills by making use of online games
- 4. More inclusive education that facilitates learning for adults who have fewer opportunities to access training
- 5. Creating tools that can be understood by immigrants with poor reading and writing skills
- 6. Provide educators with new skills for the digital age that can also be applied during the classroom.
To get more information, visit our project website:
Our partners

Association for Education and Development of Disabled People (Greece) offers courses and support
programs for people with disabilities in Kavala. Their aim is to provide skills, psychological support and
employment opportunities to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities in the community.

Pleven Contemporary Media Foundation was established in 2014. It is the successor of the newspaper
“Posrednik” (meaning a mediator), the most influential newspaper in Pleven and the region (issued since
November) 1991 until March 2015), and of the digital edition posredniknews.com, which the foundation
continues to publish.

Avanzo is an NGO created in 2022 by associate teachers from several adult education schools in the
province of Anversa in order to unite and share knowledge and best practices. They are experts in language
teaching, with extensive experience in the field of foreigners and their integration into society. AVANZO has
the following objectives:
Sharing and promoting European values, languages and culture.
Share and promoting a sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle.
Organise informal adult education for individuals and groups.
Developing and managing national and international educational projects.