The Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between cultures is an organization network of civil society focused on promoting intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean area. Among their lines of work, there is the promotion of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) proposed by the United Nations Organization (UNO), for which it was established a 15 years term (until 2030) for the establishment and achievement globally.
AIFED as the coordinator entity, along Azarquiel (Seville), Sevilla Acoge (Seville), Juvenil Inter (Cadiz) e Incide (Malaga) organizations, have decided to develop a dissemination and spreading Project based on the next SDG:
- Ending the poverty (SDG 1)
- Gender equality (SDG 5)
- Reduction of inequality (SDG 10)
This project is framed in the “Intercultural Projects of ReFal” call and it has the goal of:
- Making known the Sustainable Development Goals that have been chosen, relating their single goals with intercultural value.
As a secondary goal they would include:
- To increase positively the value of intercultural in every area.
- To contribute to improve the intercultural relationships, intra and extra Andalusia, making the work of the Anna Lindh Foundation and the ReFal known to the people.
The tools and procedure that it would be used to achieve the goals will be:
- Massive use of Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok in order to be present in each social network and to reach as much people as we can because each one has their own user profile and age rank.
- To make and spread interviews.
- Redaction of articles.
- All of these means will be related with the Intercultural Tendencies of the Mediterranean Area’s Report of 2018.
Beneficiaries will be 10.000 people divided in:
- Intercultural collectives and groups of people from different cultures.
- Women, who we will be provide a special support.
- Young people, who spend lots of their time on social media and should change social stereotypes.
- Global citizens.
- Participant entities which network will be seen reinforced
The project “Talking about SDGs from ReFal Andalusia”, coordinated by AIFED (Granada), and in collaboration with the associations AJ Inter (Cádiz), Azarquiel (Sevilla), Sevilla Acoge (Sevilla) and Incide (Málaga) and carried out within the framework of the guideline of decentralized intercultural projects of the Spanish network of the Anna Lindh Foundation, has been successfully completed. We have reached more than 10,000 people directly and 20,000 indirectly
On behalf of AIFED, we would like to thank all the associations that have collaborated and participated in the realization of this wonderful work, which without your contribution would not have been possible. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the followers and participants who have rallied to our cause, making our content visible on social networks, sharing it and supporting it with likes. All projects have an end, but this initiative is just the beginning of one of the many other projects we will develop together, promoting intercultural dialogue, respect and the fight against inequalities in our region and through our networks.
We continue to work!
Final meeting of the project “Talking about SDGs from ReFal Andalucía” #refalinterculturalidad
The project has come to an end, and on June 30 the last meeting was held with all the participating associations, in which the results obtained at a general and individual level were shared. A new alliance was proposed for the realization of future collaborative projects and the e-book and video of the project was also officially presented.
The Agenda for the fulfillment of the SDGs reaches the year 2030, which is why it was established as a priority that organizations continue working on the creation of projects that will lead to the visibility of the SDGs, and above all, that encourage the population to its fulfillment, at the end of the day, the responsibility to end inequalities, belongs to everyone.
Stay tuned to the AIFED social networks, and to our website, here you can find all the information that has been published about the SDGs, as well as the video and the e-book, and much more.