Integration of Educable Physically Disabled Individuals to Labour Market
About the project
People with disabilities represent around one sixth of the overall EU working age population but their employment rate is comparatively low. The EU Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs aims in particular to improve the comparatively low work participation rates of Europe’s disabled people.
Hence the principal aim of the project is to capitalize on the exchange of know-how of each partner can guide the disabled and exchange their findings and partners with others to form a formidable body of theoretical and practical knowledge in order to integrate the disabled to the labour market more efficiently. In other words, this project focuses on promotion of Educable Physically Disabled Individuals (EPDI) to get professional vocational education and facilitating their integration into labour market.
It will bring an international group of partners together to cooperate, collect and disseminate information and share experiences of what every partner is doing in terms of helping EPDI to receive professional qualification and to get integrated into labour market. A group of teachers and researchers, will explore the concept of guiding in the partner countries, and analyze policies, legal frameworks and cases of best practice related to the guiding of this group.